
Meet FormFusion: The New Way to Manage Forms in React

Meet FormFusion, a toolkit what helps you build your web forms in React the right way. This broad library offers an efficient solution for managing forms, complete with built-in validation, integrated accessibility, and infinite customization capabilities. Optimize your development process and improve the user experience with ease, as you utilizing the full potential of JavaScript forms in your React applications.

Our library seamlessly integrates with popular design frameworks including Material UI, Ant Design, Chakra UI, and  Reactstrap, making it the perfect choice for your React-based projects.

FormFusion leverages the native HTML form validation by extending the list of native input types and provides a large collection of thoroughly tested and ready to use validation rules such as:

See full list here


  • Efficiency: Optimize your form - handling process with this powerful, lightweight library.

  • Adaptability: Easily integrate FormFusion into new or existing projects.

  • Out-of-the-Box Validation: Use the built -in validation rules without hassle.

  • Customizable: Tailor the UI to your specific needs and preferences.

  • No dependencies: FormFusion is self - contained and does not rely on any external dependencies.


To get started with our library, simply install it using npm or yarn with the following command:

To use the styled version, import the styles file in your main file:

Below is an example of how FormFusion simplifies the creation of an uncontrolled payment form with a card number and ccv validation:


Simple payment form